Wednesday, August 27, 2008


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What's good in the world?! (That's a serious question)

There's a lot going on in the world. Nothing new, right? But I think sometimes we get so caught up with stuff and trying to keep up with everything going on, that we sometimes lose focus of some of the important things in life. I doubt it's done intentionally, but it does happen.

We just finished the Olympics, the Presidential candidacy is heating up, technology is changing all the time, school is starting, so much, right? It's life. But how often do we take the time to actually appreciate life? I don't wanna get all mushy on you, but I do wan to make sure I point your interest toward something we all know but is easy to forget.

It's important to spend time with your family and tell them you love them. Enjoy life and the changes that we are going through. Get involved in the events of the world, travel, learn the new technology, and play. But make sure you take the time to talk with your children. Spend time with your elders, reflect on your journey through life and most importantly, teach someone something new and good!

That's all I wanted to say today. LOL
Hope you don't mind, but it was just something I had to get off my chest.
