Friday, January 16, 2009

I Quit!

It is about 9:30 and the weather man says it is 7 degrees. What's up with that? Anybody in the South wanna trade places for a while? So anyway, I went to Bingo last night. Yes I gave in and allowed my brother to convince me its OK to go out in the freezing cold to make dots on paper with a marker.

So we pull in the parking lot and I tell my brother that it looks empty. We walked in, and yup, E-M-P-T-Y! Where you want to sit? Pick a seat, there's many to choose from! Man, no one was in there. (look at the pic and you will see it looks like I am there all by myself!) Then the guy announces that because of the small amount of people in attendance, the pot will be 1/2 the normal amount. He says there are about 90 people in there. GREAT! I come out in this bone shivering weather, when I could be home playing my PS2 just to find out that if I win anything it will be 1/2 of what I could have won?!?!

I'm not happy. Well, anyway, the games begin and the silence comes. Not that it wasn't already quiet from the small amount of people in there. 1st game begins and 3 minutes later, Bingo! Bingo! Bingo! Bingo! LOL I swear half the crowd was yelling Bingo! Come on! All of you have Bingo??? So yeah, they all get verified and all have to split the pot that was already split. $5 for you. $5 for you. $5 for you. And $5 for you. LOL

Every game was like that. Everyone was yelling Bingo at one point or another, except us! I'm like what is going on? I am now convinced it is a conspiracy. Why is everyone winning but me? I have one board that I only marked one time during the whole game. And that one spot was the free play spot in the middle of the board! I leaned over the table to my brother and spoke to him thru my teeth. You know how you get mad and don't move your lips when you're talking? I said, "I am NOT coming back here again!" Of course he laughed, but I am serious man. I quit. I can deal with the Bingo scene man. Well, maybe not at that location. LOL

We need a new spot. It's obvious they don't want me to win there. Call me paranoid if you want, but I know what it is. I am a newbie. I didn't have the dabber ink under my finger nails. So they KNEW I was not an experienced Bingoer. OK. That's cool. I'm going to the Dollar General this weekend and I'm buying some of them cheap bingo games. I'm going to lock myself in the room for a few hours and practice. I'm going to get the eye of the Bingo Tiger! Then I'm going to go back and guess what!? It's on! And I better not leave there without winning.

Don't worry, I'll keep you all posted. :-) Seriously, if you are a Bingoer, please do not get upset with me. I am only kidding. Don't take it personal. Truth be told, it is a fun time and I see myself getting addicted. LOL. A friend of mine already offered to school me on the Bingo computer. Uh oh. You better watch out!!! If I get that down, it is on.

Have a good weekend. Peace.


Anonymous said...

What up Mac. Hey dont give up to quickly. U never know when your luck will change. Will let u know the best places to go and on the best days. LOL But dont worry I am sure the next time u go u will be yelling BINGO non stop. Then people will be hatin' for real. Be sweet Mac. Try and stay warm too.

Anonymous said...

you are on a roll.

Anonymous said...

word. You funny as hell lately.
