Tuesday, April 14, 2009

29 Years in Solitary Confinement

A few weeks ago, I received an email from a good friend of mine, Nikki B. It was introducing a gentleman named Robert H. King. (That's him with me in the picture. Looking at this picture, I wonder if we are related. Do we look alike, or is just me thinking that?) Have youl ever hear of him? Well the email from Nikki was saying that Mr. King was coming to Rochester. He was here on the 11th of this month. So I went to check him out.

I'm so glad I went. You all need to check out the Angola 3. Mr. King is a member of the Angola 3 and a member of the original Black Panther Party. He's a very interesting man. I'm not going to tell you anything about the Angola 3 or Mr. Robert Hillary King's story. It's up to you to do the research and learn for yourself. I highly suggest you do so.

I will let you know that through his speech, testimony, story, or whatever you wanna call it, Mr. King had me doing some deep thinking. He was saying that not only those that are or were incarcerated have been institutionalized, but those of us on the outside have been too. The system has "us" believing that everyone in prison should be in prison, or that they are someone that shouldn't be trusted. It was deep. It caused me to check my way of thinking. I mean how many of you have locked up your CDs and DVDs every time your uncle that was in prison came over to visit? I mean just because he did prison or jail time doesn't mean he cant be trusted. It doesn't mean he cant change. Right? Then why do you tell your kids to hide your purse whenever he comes over? HA! I can't lie, I have some people that I know have been incarcerated for parking tickets and I still hide my possessions from them. I mean I put my PS2 controllers under my couch cushion and everything when they come over. LOL Now I am NOT saying to go and leave your house keys in the care of a drug addict. LOL. But give some people a break. The right people though. I don't want you saying, "I'm not supporting Mac anymore! He's the one that told me to let Uncle Dave move in my house when he got released after doing 5 years in prison for robbing someone!" LOL
But seriously, do some real studying of the prison system and the number of people locked up for little to nothing.

I am not doing Mr. King any justice by paraphrasing his words, but please believe me when I tell you it was a very enlightening evening.

I just thought I would let you know that there is a group of guys called The Angola 3 that need your attention. Not only them, but there are, as Mr. King said, plenty of "political prisoners" that need our attention. There was a guy there Saturday night that asked Mr. King this, "After you gave us your story, what do you want from us?" It was a deep question. He asked if he wants us to be fired up while he is here speaking to us and then go on our way back to living a stagnant life until the next time we hear from him or someone else that speaks fiery words, or does he want us to get up and do what we need to do to help fixed this "system" that we were forced and tricked into. Mr. King answered like this, "When you throw pebbles in the river they create ripples. Enough ripples can create a tidal wave. Enough tidal waves can create a tsunami."

Let's create some ripples. Check out the story of The Angola 3 and start throwing some pebbles. Before I sign off I want to thank Nikki B for keeping me in the loop so I wouldn't miss out on a very enjoyable evening with Mr. King. I love ya!

Peace, World.

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